Sao Paulo Med J. 2013 Mar;131(1):67.
Kroese AC, Lange NM, Collins J, Evers JL.
BACKGROUND: A varicocele is a meshwork of distended blood
vessels in the scrotum, usually left-sided, due to dilatation of the spermatic
vein. Although the concept that a varicocele causes male subfertility has been
around for more than 50 years now, the mechanisms by which a varicocele would
affect fertility have not yet been satisfactorily explained. Neither is there
sufficient evidence to explain the mechanisms by which varicocelectomy would
restore fertility. Furthermore, it has been questioned whether a causal
relation exists at all between the distension of the pampiniform plexus (a
network of many small veins found in the human male spermatic cord) and
impairment of fertility.
OBJECTIVES :To evaluate the effect of varicocele treatment on
live birth and pregnancy rate in subfertile couples where the male has a
METHODS Search We searched the Cochrane Menstrual Disorders
and Subfertility Group Trials Register (12 September 2003 to January 2012), the
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) in The Cochrane
Library Issue 1, 2012), Medline (January 1966 to January 2012), Embase (January
1985 to January 2012), PsycINFO (to Week 1 2012) and reference lists of
articles. In addition, we handsearched specialist journals in the field from
their first issue until 2012. We also checked cross-references, references from
review articles and contacted researchers in the field. Selection criteria
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were included if they were relevant to the
clinical question posed. If they reported pregnancy rates or live birth rates
as an outcome measure, and if they reported data in treated (surgical ligation
or radiological embolization of the internal spermatic vein) compared to
untreated or placebo groups. Two authors independently screened potentially
relevant trials. Any differences of opinion were resolved by consensus (none occurred
for this review). Data collection and analysis Ten studies met the inclusion
criteria for the review. For one study we had only data from a published
abstract. All ten studies only included men from couples with subfertility
problems; one excluded men with sperm counts less than 5 million per mL and one
excluded men with sperm counts less than 2 million per mL, with or without
progressive motility of less than 10%. Two trials involving clinical
varicoceles included some men with normal semen analysis. Three studies
specifically addressed only men with subclinical varicoceles. Studies were
excluded from meta-analysis if they made comparisons other than those specified
MAIN RESULTS The meta-analysis included 894 men. No studies
reported live birth. The combined fixed-effect odds ratio (OR) of the 10
studies for the outcome of pregnancy was 1.47 (95% confidence interval (CI)
1.05 to 2.05, very low quality evidence), favouring the intervention. The
number needed to treat for an additional beneficial outcome was 17, suggesting
benefit of varicocele treatment over expectant management for pregnancy rate in
subfertile couples in whom varicocele in the man was the only abnormal finding.
Omission of the studies including men with normal semen analysis and subclinical
varicocele, some of which had semen analysis improvement as the primary outcome
rather than live birth or pregnancy rate, was the subject of a planned subgroup
analysis. The outcome of the subgroup analysis (five studies) also favoured
treatment, with a combined OR 2.39 (95% CI 1.56 to 3.66). The number needed to
treat for an additional beneficial outcome was 7. The evidence was suggestive
rather than conclusive, as the main analysis was subject to fairly high
statistical heterogeneity (I2 = 67%) and findings were no longer significant
when a random-effects model was used or when analysis was restricted to higher
quality studies.
AUTHOR' CONCLUSIONS There is evidence suggesting that
treatment of a varicocele in men from couples with otherwise unexplained
subfertility may improve a couple's chance of pregnancy. However, findings are
inconclusive as the quality of the available evidence is very low and more
research is needed with live birth or pregnancy rate as the primary outcome.
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